SSML (Langage de Balisage de Synthèse Vocale)

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization SSML (Langage de Balisage de Synthèse Vocale) and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

Résultats de la recherche

1 pigiste a été trouvé pour la catégorie SSML (Langage de Balisage de Synthèse Vocale)

St-Félix-de-Valois, Canada

Teaching programme 7 Elemantery teaching 4 High school teaching 3 Speech recognition 1 SRGS (Speech Recognition Grammar Specification) 1 SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) 1 Education (special needs) 4 Home school planning 2 Education analyst 2 Translation 2

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